
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

5 Reasons I feel SO lucky to be a TRAVEL DESIGNER!

Fall Housekeeping at TLT!  

I have a sparkly new website (coming in 2 weeks!), 18 new destinations, and tons of inspiration -- particularly for you FOODIES out there! 

That has made me pause, to feel thankful for all my clients who have entrusted their travel dreams to me, and to count my blessings as a travel designer.  Here are my Top 5:

#5:  I get to meet and work with inquisitive, caring, talented people, like Hannah, from Brooklyn, NY, who captured this restful moment while on Safari to the jungle savannah of South Africa:

#4:  I get to help people accomplish things that they thought were impossibly difficult...  like Wilma, from Kansas, who wrote,
"After going with you to Alaska, I feel like I could go anywhere!"

#3:  I get to make friends on (almost) all continents!
and I get to introduce my clients to worldwide friends, too! 

#2:  I get to keep a WishMap on my wall where I mark each of my Dream Trips with a small flag.
In 2 weeks, I leave for a truffle hunt with a farmer and his dog in Umbria.   When will I get to marvel at the monarch butterflies as they swarm the trees of Michoacan?   Or float in the steam-vent-warmed waters of Deception Bay in Antarctica?    Our world in so enticing!

#1:  I dream, typically in the same language, but rarely in the same country!  Easter Island one night, Block Island the next!  Is that what they mean by "taking your job home with you"?

So, thank you to all my special clients!  I have lots more in store for you!

And if you're an adventurous traveler, who really wants a unique trip with offbeat lodging, novel excursions,  and UNFORGETTABLE food, let me help you, too.  I'll deliver a trip you will never forget!
Let's talk today!  Call or text @ (609) 923 0304.   Or  email Melanie here!