
Monday, January 30, 2012

The Artisans of Katchemak Bay

Down south of Anchorage, at the end of the Sterling highway, on the 4-mile spit of land that reaches deep into Katchemak Bay, you'll find Homer's community of fascinating artists!

There're potters!
A short ferry takes you out to Halibut Cove, an abandoned herring fishing village.  After dinner on the stilted deck, stroll the boardwalks to different galleries.  You'll find ornamental vases and statuary - but check out these plates!  Dishwasher-safe and so pretty, these uneven plates are hand-formed and pressed with local flowers.

There's weaving!
Many years ago, I bought my favorite sweater on the Spit.  It is heavy handknit wool, with a large daisy on the front, and a heavy-duty zipper, and hood!
There's jewelry!
Although beautiful jewelry is designed from glacier glass, other artists use fine metals for "wearable art",

and still others make fun, funky pieces, like halibut earbone earrings!

Local craft
You'll meet locals who take regional products, like antlers, and create souvenirs which are both functional and beautiful... like hair combs and one-of-a-kind jewelry!  In case you were wondering,  these antlers are shed naturally each year by the caribou, and this artist walks the Seward peninsula to collect them for her art!

There're painters, and photographers, too!   Credit below goes to Alice Thaggard and Jim Lavrakas, respectively.
Art in art galleries in Homer, Alaska.      

For a real touchstone to AK, consider bringing home the craft of Homer!

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