
Saturday, July 6, 2013

A SNEAK PEAK of the Grand Canyon IMAX movie!

Call Melanie @ Tough Love Travel now, with your vacation questions!  (609)923-0304!

"Majestic"   "Vast"  "Scary" "Jaw-dropping" 

Are you still having a hard time, imagining what it's like to stand with your toes at the edge of the Grand Canyon, and peer into its depths?    Check out this sneak peak to the IMAX movie:

Still want more? 
Check out last week's blog, about 9 SUPER FUN THINGS to do at the Grand Canyon.
#3 is the IMAX spectacular!

Melanie @ Tough Love Travel is an expert at designing your vacation!  
She'll listen to what you want, help you to explore all the possibilities,  
and make all your reservations.  
All you do is pack your bag and head off on an adventure-of-a-lifetime! 

Grab a free phone call now, to hear more. 

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