
Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Welcome to the first in my series of "Look What My Clients Taught Me"!  
Have questions for me at Tough Love Travel?  

Ever spend the afternoon on a whale-watching boat?

Want to get even closer?   Kayak with bubble-netting whales off adventure ships in Alaska?

Well... then you might be ready, to swim, IN the ocean, WITH these gentle giants!

Nancy, of CA, recently invited me to travel to the Dominican Republic where we could actually do just that!

Check it out!:

WHEN do you swim with humpbacks? 
They migrate to the Dominican Republic waters in the wintertime.

WHERE do you swim with humpbacks?
The best place is near the Dominican Republic, in the Caribbean

on the Silver Banks, in the Sanctuary for the Marine Mammals.

HOW MUCH does it cost to swim with humpback?
Costs for basic stateroom on this 6-day cruise are $3350pp, plus sanctuary fees and flights.

Thank you, Nancy from Carmel, for sharing SWIMMING WITH HUMPBACKS with me!

Want more info?   Call Melanie @ (609)923-0304
Thanks to Conscious Breath Adventures for their photography.

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