
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My Colorado Crowd taught me: CASA DE JUDY in the Galapagos

I'm Melanie.   At Tough Love Travel I offer the most unusual and unforgettable travel itineraries for adventurous travelers!    Schedule a free phone call today to see how I can help YOU get out on the adventure you've been dreaming of!

If you're going to the Galapagos...

And want to spend some time on the island of Santa Cruz (instead of aboard a boat)....

But want accommodations more intimate than one of the big lodges...

Yet more catering than a private rental....

Check out LA CASA DE JUDY!

It's right on the edge of Puerto Ayora, and a short stroll to town's restaurants, artisan shops, and fish market...

It's got some units with a view of the sea, and big enough to fit a family...

An inner courtyard with a sparkling pool!...

And it's run by -- yes! -- Judy herself!
She started the guesthouse to accommodate visiting scientists, and has now expanded it to 19 units, hosting travelers from all over the globe.

Other ammenities?   Right there at the Casa, you can get a hot breakfast with fresh island fruit...

or relax, away from the bustling port...

or even book local tours....

Have questions?
You can get more info at the Casa de Judy website. (tell 'em Melanie @ Tough Love Travel sent you!)

Or grab a free phone appointment with me, to hear what YOUR Galapagos experience could look like!  I've boated all over the island chain and savoured townlife as well, so can show you how it's done!

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