
Monday, November 11, 2013

Dream trip:Rome's Gladiator school

If you can dream it, I can plan it! 
Email Melanie @ Tough Love Travel to get started! 

2 brothers-age 5 and 7-in Rome for Spring Break.  What's THEIR dream trip?  

Gladiator School, of course! 

They slipped into a tunic, swore the oath, and selected their weapon to become a gladiator for the glory of the Empire!

Dream trip for a family
For this family, the day was a fun mix of play acting and experiential Roman history.    They ventured out of City Center, down to the Appian Way, to explore the catacombs before going to gladiator school.
At gladiator school, they faced off with bags (sort of like a modern day boxer) and they drilled on jumps and jousting.

Dream trip for YOU! 
Gladiator school is not just for kids.  In fact, real history buffs get a priceless experience at the Gruppo Storico Romano!

The docents (aka coaches) at gladiator school will outfit you with tridents, armor, and authentic wooden swords from their collection so you can “step into character” and live like it’s the year 100 AD.   Gladiator school will teach you to master the basics of hand-to-hand combat, describe the classes of society from gladiator times,  and reveal the secrets of Imperial Rome’s gladiatorial games.

During your two-hour lesson at gladiator school, you can also tour the Historical Museum Didactic and rub “galerai” with members of the Historic Group of Rome who specialize in the re-enactment of Roman life.

If you want a dream trip to (and bragging rights from) your trip to Rome, 
gladiator school should do the trick.

Want a custom trip to Italy, doing things that no one else is doing (like Gladiator School?) 
Schedule a free getting-started appointment with Melanie now:

Thanks to Catherine for sharing her beautiful family photos with me!

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